The Apple iCar: Is the iCar a Concept Vehicle or is it Reality?


Is the Apple iCar coming to a garage near you soon? Or, is the Apple Car simply a concept that we'll always hear about, but never see? Tesla is of course the biggest competitor for any potential future Apple Car, but is there any other competition to be aware of? And with $200 billion in cash, does Apple have to worry at all? Find out in this video!
Apple Car, but is there any other competition to be aware of? And with $200 billion in cash, does Apple have to worry at all? Find out in this video!

The Apple iCar: Is the iCar a Concept Vehicle or is it Reality? The Apple iCar: Is the iCar a Concept Vehicle or is it Reality? Reviewed by C Martins on julho 16, 2021 Rating: 5

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