Vehicles Of The Future - Future Transportation System 2050

Tech companies from time to time come up with big ideas to depict or at least describe what private and public transportation of the future would be like. Although most of them appear to be a bit too sci-fi and far-fetched to be true, few have been tested and materialized. Here are some vehicles to give us a glimpse into what the next generation will use to get from point A to B.

AeroMobil The AeroMobil is a fascinating vehicle for several reasons; first off, it’s a real flying car. Yes, that can actually fly in real life. In an amazing feat of engineering, the designers of the AeroMobil have managed to combine this functionality with a sleek and eerie beauty that makes this vehicle a true work of art.

Underground Tunnels Transportation The Boring Company, owned by the same man behind SpaceX, is at the moment working on a subway system for cars underneath the streets of Las Vegas. The basic idea is essentially the same as an underground rail network, but the tunnels are designed for electric ca
Vehicles Of The Future - Future Transportation System 2050 Vehicles Of The Future - Future Transportation System 2050 Reviewed by C Martins on outubro 20, 2022 Rating: 5

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