Inside Bill Gates' $127 Million Teched Out Mansion

From interactive floor sensors to revolving art, underwater music to a garage full of vintage supercars, Bill Gates’ supersized 127 million dollar mansion in Medina, Washington, fuses billionaire luxury with the high-technology at the heart of Gates’ working life.

Instead of a house like that I would prefer to build an actual castle somewhere on a mountain, using old and modern building techniques. There would also be underground levels for various purposes. Lots of discreet hi-tech stuff in it mixed with highly visible antiques and hand made architectural elements, an observatory, suspended gardens and helipad(s). Also, on the same property I would build several extremely well staffed and equipped schools, including elementary, high school and a university for orphaned children and from underprivileged households. All free! I would also love to bring children from poverty stricken and war torn places around the world in order to give them the best possible education, so in the future they can maybe go back and properly fix things in those places.

This House is a piece of Art. Much of the House are under the Earth. And this Are 3 Houses. And very cool Adventure rooms

Inside Bill Gates' $127 Million Teched Out Mansion Inside Bill Gates' $127 Million Teched Out Mansion Reviewed by C Martins on janeiro 29, 2023 Rating: 5

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